交流プログラムとは? なぜIACE? 日程表 先輩たちの声 料金について お問合せ 必要書類 English
- 毎年1970年より交流事業に精通
- 北米日系旅行会社最大規模の支店網と24時間・年中無休の予約センターが地域密着でサポート
- 各エアラインの日本行き航空券取扱高は常にトップランキング入り
- 学校交流の斡旋
- ホームステイの斡旋
- 各自治体も交えた教育プログラムを実施
- オリジナルツアーやカスタムツアーの手配、全米各地より数十校の訪日教育旅行の取り扱い実績
USA各地出発 |
東京到着 |
DAY 3-4
東京観光 |
DAY 5-7
京都へ移動(新幹線)、京都・広島観光 |
DAY 8-15
伊丹空港→那覇空港 / 沖縄 |
DAY 15
沖縄から羽田経由で全米各地へ帰国 |
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* 画像はイメージです
I liked school the best because it was a great experience to see how different cultures go about their school life. The Tour Leader was very nice and professional, the food they served was great. Konan Gakuen was the best experience overall because it led me to understand how Japanese students learn. I wished the program was longer!
The best thing that happen to was when I got to go the high school because I've always wanted to go to a Japanese high school and I got to meet a lot of nice people.They were really nice and caring that made me feel I'm right at home also I could depend on them if I needed help. Currently I'm taking Japanese class at the high school and I plan to continue through all high school.
I liked Okinawa the best. Going to school and making new friends was an amazing experience. I wish I got to stay longer and see more of Okinawa though. The tour leader was very nice and helpful and very easy to talk to. I really wish to stay in Okinawa a bit longer to experience and learn more deeply. This was one of my best experiences to have abroad and this made me to attend Japanese classes every week.
The Home Stay experience was very unique because it allowed me to live with a Japanese Family in Okinawa. The school program was excellent to learn about the Japanese Culture and Tradition, which I was mostly interested in.
It was interesting seeing how different Japanese and American schools are. I really liked the teachers and the students. They were very polite, and it was fun talking to them. I felt like I was one of the schools student and part of the class.

※ 那覇→羽田の片道航空券代金は入っておりません。国際線とともにご購入ください。
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (PT)
Tel: 1-310-533-6450 / Email: info@iace-asia.com